Fall Into Winter With Seasonal HVAC Maintenance
On a cold day, walking into a warm office is a great feeling—but it’s never guaranteed. Neglecting regular maintenance takes a toll on your HVAC equipment. Before long, your heating system could fail, leaving you scrambling to make repairs in the dead of winter. However, there’s some good news. Investing in seasonal HVAC maintenance can keep your system in good shape throughout the winter months. Here’s what you need to know:
Why Do I Need Heating and Air Maintenance in Texas?
Dallas and Fort Worth are known for intense heat throughout the year, which affects HVAC systems. But many people don’t know that winter can be even more problematic for their system. Freezing weather hit Texas during 2021, leaving many without power because of failed HVAC systems. While your ventilation and air conditioning could be at risk at any point in the year, never take a chance with winter looming. Let’s run through common HVAC issues during the winter:
Frozen Outdoor Pipes
Every HVAC system has components like pipes and coils on the exterior that are exposed to all weather conditions. If a pipe freezes, water will become trapped. Repeated thawing and freezing causes expansion, which could lead to pipes bursting. Seasonal HVAC maintenance prepares external elements before winter conditions hit.
Frozen Heat Pumps
Some businesses use heat pumps instead of an HVAC system. Heat pumps without an automatic defrost mode will likely freeze if not set ahead of cold temperatures. Scheduling preventive maintenance prevents freezing in traditional systems or pumps. A professional contractor will install automatic modes to defend against impending weather and prepare pumps and coils for winter.
Uneven Heating Patterns
Different heating patterns across your property indicate HVAC system issues. Some rooms may be significantly warmer than others due to a dirty air filter. Swapping out the air filter is a simple, inexpensive fix. More concerning symptoms indicate HVAC leaks, allowing drafting into the ductwork and around corners. HVAC contractors can identify irregular heating patterns quickly upon inspection.
Broken Thermostats
A broken thermostat leads to the downfall of your system; however, seasonal HVAC maintenance provides a quick and easy fix to get your system back up and running smoothly.
Are you interested in scheduling seasonal HVAC maintenance? Look no further than A&G Services.
What Can I Do To Prepare My HVAC System for Winter?
The seasons are changing, and winter is approaching. Property owners and facility managers must maintain business productivity and prevent freezing temperatures from shutting down their HVAC system. We’ve seen the impact winter conditions can have on Texas—now isn’t the time to leave your property up to chance with Mother Nature.
Properly Shut Down AC Units
One of the best tips for seasonal HVAC maintenance is shutting down your AC units before winter. Property owners are often tempted to leave their AC units alone thinking cold weather will keep them off, which is a major mistake. AC units damaged by winter conditions typically require replacement.
Preparing your units for winter is essential for well-functioning air conditioning once the Texas heat returns in spring. Clearing your unit of any debris from the summer prevents extra maintenance heading into the winter. Avoid power-washing AC units; use hand tools to remove debris instead. Although most modern AC units are built to withstand winter temperatures, especially in lighter climates like Texas, installing an AC cover for a few months is recommended.
Schedule Preventive Maintenance
Your best bet for a high-performing HVAC system year-round is scheduling regular seasonal HVAC maintenance. Professional contractors have the experience and tools to identify serious concerns and provide proper care for long-lasting performance. Contractors for indoor or outdoor HVAC systems will:
- Measure and recharge system levels
- Inspect control boxes and safety panels
- Check wiring for dislocations
- Clean combustion blowers
- Clean drip cans and coils
Replace Dirty Air Filters
The dry Dallas heat builds dust and mold year-round, ruining indoor air quality. Dust begins to pile even more once winter hits with increased indoor traffic. If your airflow is blocked, HVAC system efficiency decreases, costing more money in the long run. Contractors recommend replacing air filters every three to six months.
Preventive Maintenance Services
Since 1984, A&G Services has been the premier HVAC mechanical company in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas. As an experienced design developer and service provider, we take pride in raising the industry standard for performance, consistency, and stability.
A&G Services is the ultimate provider of HVAC preventative maintenance. Our goal is to ensure sustainability and productivity, reduce unexpected downtime, and increase the life expectancy of your appliances. Outlined below are the benefits of preventative maintenance from A&G Services:
Avoid Costly Repairs and Downtime
We recommend annual inspections for any indoor or outdoor HVAC system. We know that damage isn’t the only cost; losing business productivity is just as impactful. Our goal is to spot any minor issues before they become major damages.
Keep Your Business Safe
Faulty or leaking HVAC systems are just as dangerous as gas appliances. Poor indoor air quality from malfunctioning units can also threaten people’s health. Beyond your airflow, we want to care for the safety of your employees.
A&G Services: Dallas’s Top Choice for HVAC Seasonal Maintenance
A&G Services has the knowledge and experience to identify your system’s problems and implement the best solutions for your Texas facility. Protect your HVAC system from developing winter problems by contacting A&G Services today.